Drumming for Healing Classes/Workshops

Drumming and chanting is the most ancient form of music practiced by indigenous peoples all over the world for healing rituals and to connect members of the tribe. In this series of classes, Jamie will guide you through a series of simple rhythm and vocalization practices designed to connect you to your voice and your rhythm. Through repetition, you will start to let go of your critical/judgemental mind and allow for your true self expression to flow. Over time and with practice, you will embody the experience of drumming while vocalizing and benefit physically, emotionally & spiritually. No prior experience in drumming or vocalization required. Bring your own drum or one will be provided. We will be using drums that rest on the floor between your legs to free up both hands.

Ages 18 and up is ideal  Email jamie@jamiepapishmusic.com for upcoming live & online classes, locations and rates.

Class Material:

Rhythm For All Chants


Oh Chant


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Lai Chant


Hey Ee Ya Na Chant


Adamah Chant
